Italian screenwriter Ennio De Concini dies

Italian screenwriter Ennio De Concini died 17 November 2008. Born in Rome, Italy, on 9 December 1923, he shared an Oscar in 1963 for Best Original Screenplay for Divorzio all’italiana (Divorce—Italian Style). His first screenplay was the 1948 fantasy L’Ebreo errante (The Wandering Jew), and he amassed more than 150 screenwriting credits, most recently for Operazione Appia Antica (2003). He also wrote extensively for Italian television, and he directed a handful of films.
His other genre credits include: La Maschera (The Mask, 1988), Per amore… per magia… (For Love… for Magic…, 1967), Le Gladiatrici (Thor and the Amazon Women, 1963), La Ragazza che sapeva troppo (The Evil Eye, 1963), Arrivano i titani (My Son, the Hero, 1962), Maciste all’inferno (Maciste in Hell, 1962), Il Pianeta degli uomini spenti (Battle of the Worlds, 1961), La Maschera del demonio (Black Sunday, 1960), La Regina delle Amazzoni (Colossus and the Amazon Queen, 1960), Space Men (also known as Assignment: Outer Space, 1960), Ercole a la regina di Lidia (Hercules Unchained, 1959), and Le Fatiche di Ercole (Hercules, 1958).